To Begin.....
I am a full time mixed media artist who spends most every day in my little studio that is separated from the main house. I feel so fortunate because every single day I get to do what I love most....create! This keeps me very busy and I enjoy every single minute of it (well, most of it anyway) and every day is a new found experience, lesson or best of all, a new friendship has been made because of the mutual love to create art....artists are a tightly knit group of individuals who share a strong common bond....we share our ideas, help and support each other in our endeavors to express ourselves. I find this to be one of the greatest parts of being an artist...and today because of the internet and all of the social media it becomes so easy to connect with others...I am meeting new artists every day.....Here is a picture of my husband built this for me when we moved to the desert Southwest, but there is more to that story that I will tell at a later date!

Isn't it adorable? I love walking to the studio in the morning and I love the fact that my husband built this for me....He is very talented! He was an electrician by trade before he took early retirement, and is also an accomplished woodworker....he's one of those people you can show a photo to of something you love and he can build it. He is a wonderful man and I am so grateful to have him in my life.
The studio is small (10' x 10') but it gives me enough space to work and a lot of privacy...which is so important...I would show you the inside, but at the moment it's a mess...but that's okay, it means I have been working fervently....
I hope to share alot more with all of you on my "blogging journey"....have to admit, this is a task I have been procrastinating for a long time, but have a feeling I will enjoy myself with this new project, and hope you do, too!
The studio is small (10' x 10') but it gives me enough space to work and a lot of privacy...which is so important...I would show you the inside, but at the moment it's a mess...but that's okay, it means I have been working fervently....
I hope to share alot more with all of you on my "blogging journey"....have to admit, this is a task I have been procrastinating for a long time, but have a feeling I will enjoy myself with this new project, and hope you do, too!